Innovation Resources

Kromatic offers more than 300 innovation resources, including frameworks, templates, articles, videos, and workshops to accelerate your project. You can find the most relevant resources by filtering for innovation stage or type. To access them all please enter your details below.

Innovation Stage


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Minimum Viable Product Template

Designed to demystify the product (and business model) validation process, Kromatic's MVP Template stands as a crucial tool for startups and product teams.

Plinkromatic Innovation Management Game

This simple innovation game explains how funding decisions can impact ROI.

Ants! - Portfolio Management Game

This game shows you how adapt to rapid changes in your industry by putting you in charge of your own ant colony.

Mission Model Thinking Template

A mini version of the Mission Model Canvas to get you thinking about the impact of your project based on Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability.

Customer Discovery Note Taking Template

A note taking template for live customer discovery interviews. Best printed out and used with a pen for in person interviews.

Customer Conversation Insights Template (Google Sheet)

This template will help you organize your customer discovery interview notes into actionable insights.

2x2 Risk Mapping Template

This is a simple template that will help your team notestorm questions and prioritize which of those questions to experiment on first.

Startup Poker Rules

Try our game of Startup Poker, where you can practice matching your business model to your market.

Basic Innovation Funnel Template - Google Sheets

A simple template that you can use to design and model innovation funnels.

Attract Your Innovators Planning Sheet

A planning tool to help you attract talent to your innovation team.

Innovation Ecosystem Map

A template on how to map out your ecosystem and identify obstacles to innovation that are holding your ecosystem back.

Skill-Mapping Guide

This guide instructs you how to identify and map your and your team's existing skills to better understand the resources (and skill gaps) at hand.

Innovation Project Evaluation Worksheet

Use this template to consistently apply decision criteria when allocating budget to an innovation project.

Jobs to Be Done Template

Use the Jobs to Be Done framework to empathize with your target customers. This is a simple template to help define a job to be done by your target customer.

Mindset Map Template

This template provides the space and structure to outline the mindset your team currently possesses so that you can identify what is desirable in your next new hire.

Value Proposition Statement Mad Lib Template - Google Slides

A simple template that you can use to explain your value proposition.

Basic Portfolio Allocation Template - Google Sheets

A basic template to help you plan and allocate budget for your innovation portfolio.

Innovation Process Checklist

Use and modify this checklist as a benchmark against which to measure innovation investment and management decisions.

Practical Statistics - Rules of Thumb

Apply these practical rules of thumb when running experiments to avoid common biases in the data you use to make business decisions.

Learn S.M.A.R.T. Template

A detailed experiment template to help you design and document S.M.A.R.T. experiments and research. (S.M.A.R.T. = Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.)

Opportunity Insight Tool

Quick and dirty reference chart to prioritize your sales leads.

B2B Blocker Checklist: Detecting & Preventing Blockers

Sean K Murphy's checklist for understanding what might be blocking your B2B sales efforts.

Sales Call Note Taking Template

A detailed note taking template best used for video or voice sales calls.

Innovation Obstacle Map

A template on how to identify and map out obstacles to innovation that are holding your ecosystem back.

Learning Journey Mad Lib Template

Coaches use this template when helping someone unlearn something, which is often the first step to teaching them something.

Innovation Tactics & Events

This is a short list of innovation enabling methods designed to counteract innovation blockers in your ecosystem.

Risk Evaluation Template

A template to analyze risks (including moral hazard) to experiments and brainstorm ways to mitigate them.

Monster Project Cards

A fun deck of cards to help explain why some projects seem easy and some seem outright impossible. Useful for running group discussions.

Leadership Habits Note Taking Template

This is a note taking template for collecting coaching or leadership style feedback.

Value Proposition Statement Mad Lib Template

A simple template that you can use to explain your value proposition.