Index of Methods

Index of Methods

Problem (Market) Solution (Product)

- Customer discovery interviews
- Contextual inquiry/ethnography
- Data mining
- Focus groups*
- Surveys* (open-ended)

- Solution interview
- Contextual inquiry/ethnography
- Demo pitch
- Concierge test/consulting
- Competitor usability
- Picnic in the graveyard


- Five-second tests
- Comprehension testing
- Data mining/market research
- Surveys* (closed)
- Smoke tests (e.g. video, landing page)
- Sales pitch
- Pre-sales
- Flyers
- Pocket test

- Event
- Fake door

- Paper prototypes
- Clickable prototypes
- Usability
- Hallway
- Live
- Remote
- Wizard of Oz
- Takeaway
- Functioning products
- Analytics/dashboards
- Surveys* (e.g. Net promoter score, product/market fit survey)

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